Sunday 4 September 2011

Gundam Epyon "The Hydra" Week 4

Wow,1 whole month have passed by so quickly.I wonder if i really can finish this in 3 months,that means i only have 2 months left...I always doubt myself when there is a time limit,i got to change that mentality and enjoy the build to the fullest...Ok,time to stop my whining and lets talk about the progress i've made this week.

Most of you may be wondering how is the wing doing,so lets start from there.The epoxy work on the wing is almost done and i'm currently focusing on cleaning the boomerang spikes up and duplicating them.And for the extra booster,i'll have to wait for the metal thrusters to arrive in order to progress further.The next step for the wing will be to use pla plates to beef it up.

I have also mixed the colors which i want to use,the main color is dark green and dark grey.For the yellow,i'm going to change it to yellow/orange which looks nicer with the green.For the light grey,i'm still thinking whether i want to change it into another color.Finally,i will be using metallic yellow for the eyes and orb.Tell me what you guys think about the color scheme,ok?I'm still a noob at choosing colors:(

I didn't show any pictures of the body that i have detailed up last week,so here is how some of the parts look after priming.

Here is one mod i did this week on the wing.I putty up the part highlighted in black and cut out a portion of the red part.I did this to cover the frame(which is the red part),now there is a clear separation between the red and dark grey part at the side.
This is how it looks before the mod.
 Picture from dalong.

I hope you guys like what i've done so far,and please stay tune for the next update.Cheers!

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